Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tips to Improve Search Engine Ranking Position

Tips to Improve Search Engine Ranking Position

Author: Myseoway

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the site optimization process to improve search engine ranking position. SEO is among the best way to get traffic. SEO only show the significant impacts when the site is ranked at top position of search engine result.

Search engine ranking position has many factors. Different factor have different impact. Each factor is allocated certain percentage of total percentage. The search engine algorithm is continuously improved from time to time may cause change in the search engine ranking position factors and the percentages. The factors that significant today may not be significant tomorrow.

First significant factor is site popularity. Site popularity here refers to incoming link. This factor has its own factor such as incoming link number, anchor text, relevancy, type, location, popularity, traffic, page rank, page level, format, link per page, surround text, age, creation rate and creation method. High site popularity will improve search engine ranking position. This is off page factor. This needs much effort to optimize it.

Second most significant factor is site keyword. Site keyword here refers to keyword density and placement. This factor has its own factor such as keyword in density, domain, title tag, header tag, description tag, keyword tag, sub domain, sub directory, internal link, format, homepage, file name, sub header tag, alt tag and footer. High site relevancy will improve search engine ranking position. This is on page factor. This needs less effort to optimize it.

Third most significant factor is site content. Site content here refers to content quality. This factor has its own factor such as content originality, freshness, size, structure and age. High site content quality will improve search engine ranking position. This is on page factor. This needs continuously effort to optimize it.

The really SEO factors actually are only known by who design the search engine. Different keyword has different competition needs different optimization factors. The factors that success for certain keywords may not success for other keywords. Successful factors shall not be concluded as best factors for any condition. Unsuccessful factors shall not be concluded as bad factors for any condition.

About the Author:

The author is the founder of that show his websites as real SEO evidences.

Article Source: - Tips to Improve Search Engine Ranking Position

1 comment:

  1. hi-friend have gone through ur site SEO optimisation tips.VERY informative articles this is best for niche in this field.i have get the new ideas off ur articles.Nice looking ahead the same in the future.thnx and wishing u happy and prosperous new year.
